
Living the Knit Life


Knitterly Quirks

I have come to realize and accept that I have a weird, masochistic attraction to patterns that may possibly require more yarn than I have.  I think it stems from a love of yarn that goes so deep that I feel compelled to use as much of it as I possibly can and have as little left over as humanly possible.

I have cast on the same skein of one-of-a-kind indie dyed red MCS by Mythic yarn three times now.  The first two times I frogged because I would have run out of yarn (surprise!) and this time I am so close to running out of yarn it is stupid but I do not have the heart to frog this yarn again.
Please forgive the crappy iphone photo
As of this morning, I have this much yarn left to do 8 more rows.  Each row takes .36g of yarn (yes, I am also an obsessive yarn-weigher) and I have 4.5g left.  It's a nail-biter.

This is where the project is so far:

Sorry for the photo quality - these photos are from my iphone and are blown up way beyond their normal size
I am transitioning from red to grey, so soon I  will either run out of red, or have just enough.  Then I can move on to obsessively weighing and panicking about whether or not I have enough grey left to finish the job.  I have no back up plan.  I live dangerously.  I am fairly conservative in most areas of my life, so apparently knitting is where I indulge my inner risk-taker, throw caution to the wind and take all the big risks.   I also skip swatching and often don't bother with stitch markers.  Yeah, I'm bad.

This red yarn is destined to become a scarf/shawl hybrid for me to wear with my favourite Calvin Klein red trench coat.  I am making it up as I go along, so if I run out of yarn it will not be an error in judgement, it will be a "design element."
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