
Living the Knit Life


The Small Things

Sometimes it's the small things that are strangely satisfying.  There are certain knitterly events that always make me happy.  No matter how often they happen, the weird sense of satisfaction I get from them is still there.  For example: 

1. Kitchener stitch
2. Turning a heel 
3. Getting gauge on the first try 
4. Ending any project with less than 1 yard of yarn 
5. Being complimented by a random stranger on something I have made
6. Lace
7. Finding a favourite stitch marker (or other notion) that I lost months before and had given up on
8. wearing my latest project for the first time
9. Seeing one of my designs in the wild
10. Picking up a dropped stitch - many, many rows down

What are your favourite knitting moments?
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