
Living the Knit Life


When Hobbies Collide

Lately my knitting obligations have taken up most of my time.  I have some deadlines looming (submissions that were accepted - yay!) , a Christmas gift to knit, and personal stuff to knit,  and a second business that I am still running, for now - I have almost managed to completely divest myself of it but bits and pieces are hanging on no matter how hard I try to shake them off.  Combine all of this with my primary roles as Mum, wife, homemaker and pet owner and I am busy! My planner is getting quite a workout as  I have started living my life in 1-hour time blocks to make sure everything gets done.  I fall into bed at night too tired to read.

I have a list of books on my reading list but no time to read them, so this week I took the leap to audio books.  This is a big leap for me.  I enjoy the multi-sensory experience of reading: holding the book,  pausing to reflect when I have just read something profound (or confusing) and the stillness of nestling under a blanket with a good book.  I downloaded "Divergent" - I am late reading it, I know - and it was a wild experience.  At first my mind kept wandering so I had to keep rewinding.  Then I got caught up in the sound of the performers voice.  Part of reading is giving the characters a voice in your head. It's really hard to do that when there is an actual voice in your ear.  I am getting use to it now.  I actually kind of like it.  I can knit and read; two parts of my life have collided.  I can even read in the car - so weird.

Not really impressed with the price though.  I have signed up for the free Audible trial.  Two books free for the first month and then one book per month at $14.95.  This was cheaper than buying audio books on iTunes where "Divergent" costs $28.95.  Are there any other audio book options?  Can anyone out there recommend another audio book service?
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