
Living the Knit Life


Stash Enhancement and Other Pretty Things

Warning: This post is link-heavy and enabling-heavy:

I have spent some money lately.  I regret nothing.  My friend, Sarah,  of "The Canadian Knitter" Podcast introduced me (and all her other viewers) to these totally adorable yet functional DPN holders from Shelby at EINmade.

Previously I have always used the cardboard DPN tubes that you can get at KnitPicks, and while functional, they are not nearly as pretty!  Also, the cardboard tubes have a limited life expectancy, in my experience, and are a bit fragile.  I always knit my socks on DPNs because I am set in my ways and inflexible, but I think these little DPN holders would work for circs as well; next time I have a portable project on circular needles, I will let you know.

Having pretty DPN holders unleashed my craving for pretty project bags.  Usually I say things like, "I would rather buy yarn with the money I could spend on pretty project bags" and "My Ziploc bag works just as well as your pretty project bag", but secretly I lust after pretty project bags and after 40+ years on this planet am beginning to accept that I am more of a visual person than I have previously been  willing to admit.  Also, a fellow knitter from the Tuesday night knitting group I attend totally enabled me when she gave me a beautiful project bag by ZigZag Stitches.

So I also ordered this from MadameColibri:

It is bigger than it looks!  It holds a shawl-in-progress, the needles, the pattern, a knit kit and a second skein of yarn AND it still fits in my purse!!  (I have a big purse, but it fits in there comfortably with all my other stuff).
Note the cute complimentary lining and little pocket.  I love when design and function come together.

And then I ordered this from DragonFibreBags:

Totes adorbs and totally screams "SPRING!"

Here it is holding a sock, sock-in-progress, knit kit and pattern:
See the lime green lining?  Happens to be my favourite colour!

To top it off I went the a local fibre festival (The Gathering in Port Hope) and 'The Black Lamb' (also in Port Hope) and picked up these beauties:
Cute stitch markers, right?!  I have big plans for the DyeVersion yarn (sidenote: it is BFL and I have never knit with BFL sock yarn before). The Black Lamb yarn is my favourite colour so I had to have it.  I will have to come up with something extra special for it!

Disclaimer: All opinions expressed in this post are my own.  I have not received any compensation or consideration in exchange for posting links or opinions - I just like nice things.
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